Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Solkwanzchanachuhmas!!!

Here's hoping you all have a happy and healthy Holiday Season!!! Just kick off your shoes and put your feet up near this photo, and you'll feel....well....a little pixilated maybe, but that's about it. Go hug somebody instead.....And per several requests, as we moved again this past summer into new digs here in Ithaca, I've included our mailing address here for cards and such.

Paul and Sonja
1517 1/2 Slaterville Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850

All of our love and best wishes to all of our friends, across the country and in Europe!! Merry Christmas!!!!!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Break.......

Well, for all of you (or both of you) who are still checking in on the blog periodically, just a quick note to let you know that we're both good and doing well!!

We are just about done with this semester, finishing up papers and grading as we speak. Both productions that Sonja and I participated in this fall were great fun to be a part of and very successful....Sonja assaying Lady Bracknell in The Importance Of Being Earnest, and chewing the pedagogical scenery as Holofernes in Loves Labour's Lost.....while I reprised The Rev. Canon Chasuble and Lord Boyet, respectively, in those same plays. It's been a good year so far, and I think we're both looking forward to this 5 week (albeit unpaid) break now. We'll be staying in Ithaca, and doing some house and dog sitting for a friend. And a big chunk of this time will be spent getting ready for our next projects at Cornell....Sonja playing a large role in a new script, an adaptation of a book called The Body Project, while I work on Hector in The History Boys.

And thanks to all who passed along their concern about our little guy, Mac, who had been under the weather (at somewhere between 15 and god, there isn't much weather he manages to get above these days). He has rallied yet again, we're thrilled to say, and Bea Lillie and Spenser are fine as well. All fur children healthy and accounted for!!

So hope this finds you all happy and well!! More before Christmas no doubt, and in the meantime, stay healthy and happy, and stay in touch!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Re-Birth Day!!!!

Well, the semester moves along apace, but that's not really what this entry is all about.......

On Wednesday, October 3rd, it will be exactly one year since Sonja nearly died, not once but twice, at the Cayuga Medical Center here in Ithaca, NY. As such, October 3rd has been determined by the appropriate authorities (alright, me, her husband Paul) to be Sonja's Official Day Of Rebirth For The Remainder Of Her Days. Here ye, here ye, so decided!!

I doubt this is going to let any of us off the hook for her actual birthday, which conveniently enough is only nine days earlier on the 25th. But all things considered, when one has survived a series of events like this (see all previous entries), it takes on a new meaning I think to be able to declare that this one particular day is the one that needs to be celebrated. This one day is when the fight began, when survival became the only point, and when the future became something to be wrested back one day at a time.

So raise a glass sometime today, smile like you mean it at someone you love, and celebrate Sonja.....brand spanking new at the age of 1!!

P.S. -- Special thanks to the great Joe Decker for the use of the photo above...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School's In......

How did this happen??? Summer's over for us, and we're happily ensconced back up in Ithaca, in new digs that are a vast improvement over last year!! New address and a land line phone number are listed below. We're both in good health, and start teaching again this week. We've been in rehearsals for Importance Of Being Earnest for a couple of weeks now (Chasuble again for me, and Sonja as an unusually charming Lady Bracknell)....having a very good time!!

Hope everyone's summer was good and your happy and well. All our best to all of you, and more to come soon!!

-- Paul and Sonja
1517 1/2 Slaterville Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Me and Robert Davi......

Yes, it's my birthday....virtual cake soon to be followed by the real thing!!

Sonja sends much love to everyone from Martha's Vineyard, and by mid July will be visiting her Mum in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hope for the best. Then back here to Philadelphia for a brief stint before we return to the twisting of young minds in Ithaca.

Hope this finds you all happy and well, have a wonderful 4th of July, and love from us both!!!

-- Paul

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

School's Out!!

Well, we've finally finished the second semester at Cornell.....grades are in and classes and productions are done!! We were both fortunate in the calibre of students we worked with this spring in our respective classes, and we both survived a fairly awful production of As You Like It to close out our work on stage.

This past weekend we boarded Spenser the Cat with our dear friends Carolyn and Judy, threw the pups in the car and drove out to Martha's Vineyard to work at the brilliant dance colony run by old pal Wendy Taucher. It's only office work we're doing ("Hey there, Monkey Boy, fold those flyers faster!!!"). Those of you who've suffered the near shattering sight of me dancing on stage know why it would be obvious my that my only association with a dance studio would be licking stamps. I'm here through the 25th, then back to Ithaca to get us out of that apartment, before returning with all of the animals to Philly for the summer. Sonja will remain working for Wendy here in MV through to the latter part of July, taking Yoga each morning, and generally breathing in the salt air. Her health continues to be good....her cardiologist recently took her off of one of her medications entirely, and reduced two others. It's still a balancing act with her meds, but she seems to be handling them quite well, knock on wood.

And again thanks to all who continue to watch this space, as it were, for news and updates. I've been working on getting Sony to contribute more often (one more posting would automatically double her output); I've suggested that she take the time at some point to describe some of her "adventures" when she was still sun-downing and living with her drug induced dementia. Some of the stories of her views from "the inside" of that experience are (happily, now) pretty entertaining. We'll see.

More to come as the summer progresses!! Wishing you all cool winds, cold drinks, and good friends!! Love from us both!!!

-- Paul

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Almost Spring!!

Apologies to all for having faded from these pages for several weeks. It turns out to be a very busy time under this program, teaching, in rehearsals, mentoring, and so on. It's also been difficult just finding sufficient time to avoid doing all the things that need to get done for the bigger TAXES!! Ahhh, there, that's out now....breathe, just breathe....

The good news to share is that we have been offered another season here at Cornell, and have decided to accept the offer. In addition to our usual teaching responsibilities, Sonja will be performing as Lady Bracknell in Ernest, and I will be doing Hector (the Griffiths role) in The History Boys, with casting for the rest of their season (Loves Labours Lost, 2 new plays, and Leonard Bernstein's Mass) to be decided later. That will start again 2nd week of August or thereabouts, and we spent much of the past couple of weeks securing digs for next year (housing goes fast here in Ithaca....with two universities the housing stock is largely insufficient for the demand, and so prices are awful and even the shabbiest of places are rented by mid spring), which we're very happy with....we found a larger space for less money with acres of backyard romping space for Bea Lillie (Mac doesn't do much romping anymore, I'm afraid, but he's hanging in there), an available 10 month lease, and the Holy Grail of apt. hunting, a washer/dryer!! Yippee!!!

We finish up this year by the first week of May, and as we had to pay our 10th month on this lease, will use the time to travel to Martha's Vineyard for a couple of weeks to work for our dear friend Wendy and visit with her, then put this household into storage for the summer and return to Philly by end of the month, beginning of June. No idea what the summer will look like at this point; some combination of unemployment, temp work and maybe something under the table (like dogwalking again) if we can find it. Cross that bridge when we get to it.

Otherwise all goes well here. We are currently struggling through the trenches of a (at this stage of things anyway) largely uninspired As You Like It, Sony doing Corin, the Old Shepard-ESS!!, and me in the guise of good old Duke Senior, again. The truth is that as we move further toward performance and out of rehearsal, what becomes increasingly apparent is just how indestructible this play really is, especially at this time of year...hard to do really well, but hard to completely screw it up. We'll end up somewhere in the middle I guess, and that's fine.

Sonja's health is good and holds steady. As mentioned in earlier posts, she is likely to be in A Fib. for the rest of her life, and that can be handled medicinally. Her strength improves in increments, but it does continue to improve...she's teaching again and in rehearsal and mentoring, a full schedule. She will probably always have to find ways to integrate naps into her schedule from now on, but hey, how bad is that really?! It's wonderful to see her working again, and the students adore her (a perspective I'm not unfamiliar with myself).

Thanks to all who've enquired after us on this ongoing journey....and thanks to all who've continued to use this blog as a way to stay in touch!! We'll update again sometime soon; meanwhile, stay well, take care, and as always, love from us both!!

-- Paul

P.S. -- A special thought goes out to all of the current MFA students at the Alabama Shakespeare Festival, left in Limbo at this point while ASF and UA struggle over the future of that program. If your unfamiliar with this particular debacle and would like to know more, I've listed a couple of sites below for more information.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Clear!!! Ok, well, maybe if we try it this way...Clear!!!

So, what has been going on since the last substantive update??

We are both back at work now teaching, and that has been a great pleasure and much needed focus for our energies coming out of the holidays and recuperation. Sonja continues her physical therapy, and we've created a new network here of physicians and cardiologists to continue to track her condition.

Along those lines, roughly two weeks ago her new cardiologist, Dr. Mauser, attempted a procedure called a cardioversion. This is an out patient procedure in which the patient, Sonja, is sedated, and an attempt is made to gently shock (oxymoron fully intended) her heart back into a regular rhythm.

One of the lasting results of her hospitalization is that her heart is still in atrial fibrillation, albeit a very regular and now medicinally controlled form of a. fib... this is not a medically dangerous circumstance per se, but it does require the continued use of certain powerful drugs that can potentially have dangerous side effects. So, with Sonja now finally strong enough to attempt the procedure, we went into the local medical center and Dr. Mauser gave it a shot.

If that last sentence sounds a bit cavalier, it's because we all knew going into it that the chances for success weren't great. After a period of three to six months, the body begins to assume that the a. fib. is in fact the "normal" condition, and it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain the regular heartbeat, if in fact the rhythm is able to be changed at all.

In Sonja's case, she was sedated, and an attempt was made; her heart was shocked (they don't use the paddles, by the way, except in emergency circumstances...I was going to use a photo of said paddles to lead this posting, but realized with some waning shred of good taste that someone might see it and assume the worst or wrong a smiling picture of Sonja with Mac instead, albeit from a few years ago), but the first attempt didn't take. After a short interval, a second attempt was made, and this one worked, at least while she was there in the hospital.

Over the next few days she felt no major change, until the fourth day when she felt significantly better. The good news is that improvement seems to have held, though later testing has shown that the second attempt did not; her heart is back in it's "regular" a. fib. As it is not a life threatening situation, the plan now is to continue to monitor her meds and her heart, and through exercise and nutrition continue to help her to grow stronger. She is fine with that, and while still not 100%, she is fully functioning in her life again and, I might add, loving every minute of it.

That is not to say that the transition back to "the Real World" has been easy. Just as after a major surgery the patient is often confronted by depression, anger, and guilt, so coming back to work again and returning to society at large has been difficult. Under crisis such as we experienced, one's mind (and I would argue, spirit) only allows you to face so much and only when your physically able to confront it. So there have been some hard times as we both, in our own ways and on paths dictated by separate experiences, struggled with the randomness and irrationality of feelings buried for a latter time. The process is difficult even as you know it is healing. We have dealt with it as best we could, talked it through when that might help, and I think in some ways maybe even grown from it. There's no choice in this kind of thing; it's what happened to you, and now it's about turning and looking at it, like it or not. It's part of the package.

And so, continuing under the category of More Information Than You Ever Needed To Know, next on the medical horizon are specialized trips to the dentist and a colonoscopy (for both of us...I'm overdue as well), as well as the monthly to tri-monthly monitoring checkups. We are entering a busier time here at the university as well. I close this weekend in a relatively successful production of the Passion Of Dracula (the students have done splendidly, and that is, after all, the point of it all in this given context). Sonja goes into a staged reading of a new play by a student here, guest directed by Richard Hamburger, and then the following week we go into rehearsals for As You Like It....Sonja as Corin, the Shepherd(-ess), and I as, once again, dear old Duke Senior (you have to feel for a guy trying to run a country who's only name amounts to "Duke, you know, the older one"). We have yet to hear anything from the Powers That Be here about next year, and know only that we are likely to be back in Philadelphia for the summer. And given the pretty much continual levels of snowfall here this winter, that's sounding pretty good right now.

Hope this finds you all in great good health and joyous frame of mind. We think of you all often, and send much love your collective way from us both!!! More to come in the next couple of weeks.....

-- Paul

P. S. -- And as a special note to all of you who were kind enough to send financial help our way when we needed it most, I hope to soon have, finally, good news on the Medicaid Front. And please know, all of you, that while our process of thank you note sending may have had the wheels fall off here, you are and will be in our hearts for, well, the rest of our lives. Thank you, all of you, and again, love from us both!!

Monday, February 18, 2008

More To Come.....

Yeah, well, things got a little hectic around here, and I haven't had time to post until this week....but I've started to feel a little guilty about not posting anything, so......

More to come later this week.

-- Paul

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Back To School........

Just a quick update for those of you still checking the blog for Sonja's continued progress.....everything moves apace, and she starts teaching again this Monday. It's the same Intro to Acting class that all of the RPTA's (resident professional teaching associates) here at Cornell are asked to teach, a mix of undergraduates from varied backgrounds and mostly non-majors (we had more engineering students last semester than prospective actors). I began work on Passion of Dracula this past Monday (the redoubtable Dr. Seward), and pick up my first class this Tuesday.

Hope everyone had a peaceful and joyous holiday season. Ours was quiet and quite lovely here in Ithaca; snow, good books and netflix. I think we're both looking forward to moving into the next phase now, going back to work and picking up our lives again back in the world. I'll continue to post periodically here with news on Sonja's health and recuperation (I've tried to convince her that she should be the one posting these notes, but so far she hasn't been grabbed by the whole "blogging thing". She is, however, making noise about using good old fashioned snail mail in the near future).

Anyway, our love to you all, have a Wonderful Martin Luther King Day, and good health!!

-- Paul

P.S. -- I've included a link to the text of the I Have A Dream Speech.....a little something to remind us all of genuine integrity and courage in this season of hyperbole and political Hucksterism.