Monday, October 12, 2009

Back To School....Again!

Well, sorry to all who still check this site from time to time for info and updates, but we got a little carried away with the move back up here and getting re-settled and teaching again. Not to mention the fact that I hadn't posted since, well, February of last term. So, here's a bit of what's been going on since then........

After the loss of Mac last February, I'm glad to say the rest of the semester led to happier days.....I had the chance to do Hector in a quite wonderful production of The History Boys here on campus, and Sonja had the luxury of a performance slot off, with the extra free time that that suggests. At the end of term, the Music and Theatre Dept.s mounted a fully staged production of Leonard Bernstein's was pretty amazing, and I ended up singing in the Street Chorus, two solo lines and all. I can't remember the last time I've been that frightened on stage (singing professionally is one of those things that still terrifies me, no matter how often I do it), but it all worked out, huge undertaking that it was, and worked out better than anyone expected, I think. To quote Tony Shaloub's character in Galaxy Quest, "That was a hell of a thing....."

The summer for both of us was spent back in Philly, and was, in truth, pretty awful. As we were coming back here for our third and last year this fall, we couldn't collect unemployment, and in this economy, there just weren't any jobs out there; Sony ended up doing some dog walking for our friend Ellen again, and I worked for the Walnut St. Theatre doing telephone sales in their subscription office. And so we scraped by as best we could, and couldn't wait to get back to Ithaca.

The one good thing to come out of the summer months, is that we discovered that probably for a decade or more, Sonja has suffered from severe obstructive sleep apnea. So for all that time, she hasn't been getting s good, restful night's sleep, and it's hard to underestimate the long term effects that's had on her over all physicality (though what role the condition played in her crisis of two years ago is impossible to say) . Happily, it's a condition easily addressed with a simple breathing apparatus worn while sleeping and she's responded beautifully to it! She felt better the very next day. Up to the point of finding all this out, her A. Fib. had been getting worse (in terms of controlling it on a daily basis), and we were faced with having a pacemaker put in to help her heart cope with the stress. That has now all been put on hold while she improves from addressing the sleep apnea, and we're hopeful that this year we'll be able to make some real progress toward better overall health. Great, great news!!!

And now we've been back here since middle of August, in the same apt. we had last year on Slaterville Rd. All's gone well so far; finished a strong production of The Servant Of Two Masters a couple of weeks ago, and are already back in rehearsals for Romeo and Juliet (that's right, she's doing the Nurse again and I'm reprising Friar Laurence). Great to get back to the classroom, too.....we both have good classes this fall, sharp kids, bright and curious. And perhaps most importantly everyone's healthy so far....Sonja, me, Spenser and Bea Lillie!!! Hope you and yours are having a wonderful fall season, and that nothing but good things comes your way!! Will try to update this more frequently in the future, and in the meantime, love to you all from all of us!!!

-- Paul

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Goodbye To The Macallan......

It seems somehow that this winter and it's storms and sub zero temperatures will never end....or maybe it's just that both Sonja and I have been struggling with winter colds of late (hers turning into Bronchitis on the way to getting better, mine more recent and apparently still undecided as to what mayhem it might cause). Or more likely, it's just the obvious.....

On January 25th, we finally had to euthanize our beloved companion of more than 10 years, Mac, and it is in truth still difficult to talk about. As he first adopted us in 1999,in Montgomery, finding Sonja in a parking lot and never looking back, we never really were sure of his actual age. It must have been close to 16 or 17 from what we could tell, and certainly in the last month of his life his systems seemed to all be slowly failing him. We knew his time was coming, though there is never really any genuine preparing for the loss. He was the heart of our little "pack". He will be forever missed and remembered. Macky.....R.I.P.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Happy Solkwanzchanachuhmas!!!

Here's hoping you all have a happy and healthy Holiday Season!!! Just kick off your shoes and put your feet up near this photo, and you'll feel....well....a little pixilated maybe, but that's about it. Go hug somebody instead.....And per several requests, as we moved again this past summer into new digs here in Ithaca, I've included our mailing address here for cards and such.

Paul and Sonja
1517 1/2 Slaterville Rd.
Ithaca, NY 14850

All of our love and best wishes to all of our friends, across the country and in Europe!! Merry Christmas!!!!!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas Break.......

Well, for all of you (or both of you) who are still checking in on the blog periodically, just a quick note to let you know that we're both good and doing well!!

We are just about done with this semester, finishing up papers and grading as we speak. Both productions that Sonja and I participated in this fall were great fun to be a part of and very successful....Sonja assaying Lady Bracknell in The Importance Of Being Earnest, and chewing the pedagogical scenery as Holofernes in Loves Labour's Lost.....while I reprised The Rev. Canon Chasuble and Lord Boyet, respectively, in those same plays. It's been a good year so far, and I think we're both looking forward to this 5 week (albeit unpaid) break now. We'll be staying in Ithaca, and doing some house and dog sitting for a friend. And a big chunk of this time will be spent getting ready for our next projects at Cornell....Sonja playing a large role in a new script, an adaptation of a book called The Body Project, while I work on Hector in The History Boys.

And thanks to all who passed along their concern about our little guy, Mac, who had been under the weather (at somewhere between 15 and god, there isn't much weather he manages to get above these days). He has rallied yet again, we're thrilled to say, and Bea Lillie and Spenser are fine as well. All fur children healthy and accounted for!!

So hope this finds you all happy and well!! More before Christmas no doubt, and in the meantime, stay healthy and happy, and stay in touch!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Re-Birth Day!!!!

Well, the semester moves along apace, but that's not really what this entry is all about.......

On Wednesday, October 3rd, it will be exactly one year since Sonja nearly died, not once but twice, at the Cayuga Medical Center here in Ithaca, NY. As such, October 3rd has been determined by the appropriate authorities (alright, me, her husband Paul) to be Sonja's Official Day Of Rebirth For The Remainder Of Her Days. Here ye, here ye, so decided!!

I doubt this is going to let any of us off the hook for her actual birthday, which conveniently enough is only nine days earlier on the 25th. But all things considered, when one has survived a series of events like this (see all previous entries), it takes on a new meaning I think to be able to declare that this one particular day is the one that needs to be celebrated. This one day is when the fight began, when survival became the only point, and when the future became something to be wrested back one day at a time.

So raise a glass sometime today, smile like you mean it at someone you love, and celebrate Sonja.....brand spanking new at the age of 1!!

P.S. -- Special thanks to the great Joe Decker for the use of the photo above...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

School's In......

How did this happen??? Summer's over for us, and we're happily ensconced back up in Ithaca, in new digs that are a vast improvement over last year!! New address and a land line phone number are listed below. We're both in good health, and start teaching again this week. We've been in rehearsals for Importance Of Being Earnest for a couple of weeks now (Chasuble again for me, and Sonja as an unusually charming Lady Bracknell)....having a very good time!!

Hope everyone's summer was good and your happy and well. All our best to all of you, and more to come soon!!

-- Paul and Sonja
1517 1/2 Slaterville Road
Ithaca, NY 14850


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Me and Robert Davi......

Yes, it's my birthday....virtual cake soon to be followed by the real thing!!

Sonja sends much love to everyone from Martha's Vineyard, and by mid July will be visiting her Mum in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Hope for the best. Then back here to Philadelphia for a brief stint before we return to the twisting of young minds in Ithaca.

Hope this finds you all happy and well, have a wonderful 4th of July, and love from us both!!!

-- Paul